Free Estimate

At Zenyth, we understand that every organization has unique accessibility needs. That's why we offer a free estimate for our accessibility auditing and remediation services, tailored to your specific requirements. Our process is transparent, efficient, and designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the scope and cost.

96.3% of home pages had detected WCAG failures!
The WebAIM Million

The 2023 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages.

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Step-by-Step Process

  1. Create a Sitemap:
    We begin by creating a sitemap of the pages to audit. This comprehensive overview allows us to identify the key areas that require attention and ensures that no page is overlooked.
  2. Assign Complexity:
    Each page is assigned a complexity level based on its components. Whether it's a simple informational page or a complex interactive platform, we evaluate the intricacies to determine the effort required for auditing and remediation.
  3. Estimate Time:
    The time required for the audit is directly related to the complexity of the pages. Our experienced team assesses the components and functionality to provide an accurate time estimate, ensuring that the process is efficient and thorough.
  4. Fixed Cost Audits:
    Our audits are offered at a fixed cost, providing you with certainty and transparency. This cost includes not only the initial audit but also the verification of fixed defects, ensuring that all identified issues are properly addressed.

Why Choose Zenyth?


Our data visualization experts work hand-in-hand with your team to transform complex public data into meaningful, accessible insights.


We adhere to WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines, ensuring that your digital assets meet the required standards.


We work closely with you throughout the process, providing insights, support, and clear communication.

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