
Zenyth Blog

Discover the Path to Digital Inclusion: Illuminating Accessibility Trends, Legal Insights, WCAG Standards, and Business Advancements. Dive into our Zenyth Blog, where we're committed to shedding light on the ever-evolving landscape of accessibility. Stay informed about the latest developments in accessible design, explore the implications of accessibility laws and crucial legal discoveries, and gain insights into how WCAG standards and business strategies intersect.

Balancing Accessibility Requirements and SEO Tactics: A Practical Approach

At Zenyth, we specialize in accessible SEO. Our solutions optimize your digital presence, reaching a wider audience while ensuring inclusivity.
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Website Accessibility Closely Tied To Loss of Revenue

Website accessibility is vital for business success, preventing revenue loss, lawsuits, and exclusion. Prioritize inclusivity and compliance.
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US Departments of Education and Justice Issue Dear Colleague Letter Regarding Digital Accessibility in Higher Education

U.S. Dept. of Education and Dept. of Justice address online accessibility for educational institutions. Guidance and regulations forthcoming.
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Could One Plaintiffs Phone Call Lead To ADA Litigation. The Supreme Court Will Decide

Supreme Court to decide if "tester" plaintiffs can sue under ADA. Businesses brace for impact on accessibility lawsuits.
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Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Appeal from First Circuit of Website Accessibility Tester Case

Supreme Court to Decide ADA Website Accessibility Case: Does a self-appointed tester have standing to sue over inaccessible websites?
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Website accessibility and the ADA

Unlocking Website Accessibility: Avoid litigation, broaden your reach, and enhance user experience. Learn more!
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DOJ Releases Guidance on ADA Compliance for Websites

DOJ issues long-awaited guidance on ADA compliance for websites, emphasizing the need for accessibility and recommending WCAG as a standard.
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Circa and Zenyth Group Partner to Improve Digital Accessibility

Circa partners with Zenyth to offer comprehensive web accessibility services, promoting diversity and inclusivity in the digital world.
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A Consent Decree Can Provide Some Protection Against Future Website Accessibility Lawsuits

Consent decrees requiring website accessibility can deter future ADA lawsuits, as shown by a recent court decision. Learn more.
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