
Zenyth Blog

Discover the Path to Digital Inclusion: Illuminating Accessibility Trends, Legal Insights, WCAG Standards, and Business Advancements. Dive into our Zenyth Blog, where we're committed to shedding light on the ever-evolving landscape of accessibility. Stay informed about the latest developments in accessible design, explore the implications of accessibility laws and crucial legal discoveries, and gain insights into how WCAG standards and business strategies intersect.

New York Continues to Be a Friendly Venue for ADA Title III Plaintiffs

New York takes the lead in ADA Title III and website accessibility litigation, with judges showing reluctance to dismiss cases early. Find out more.
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Businesses are facing an uptick in ADA lawsuits targeting website accessibility. Find out how to proactively protect your business.
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California bill would help define digital accessibility and limit damages

California proposes amendments to limit damages in digital accessibility claims. Find out how it may impact businesses and the disability community.
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ADA Title III Federal Lawsuits Numbers Are Down But Likely To Rebound in 2023

Sharp decline in ADA Title III federal lawsuits in 2022. Find out the latest statistics, including top states and trends in case filings.
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Plaintiffs Set a New Record for Website Accessibility Lawsuit Filings in 2022

Record-breaking year for website accessibility lawsuits in federal court. Find out the latest statistics and trends in ADA Title III litigation.
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Deja Vu All Over Again - DOJ Announces Intent to Adopt Web Accessibility Regulations for State and Local Governments

Will the Department of Justice finally implement web accessibility regulations? Learn about the history, current plans, and potential impact.
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Proposed Bill Signals Potential Watershed Development in the World of Digital Accessibility

New bill introduced to ensure website and software accessibility for people with disabilities. Learn about its potential impact and implications.
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First Circuit Gives Green Light to ADA Suits Against Hotels Based on Booking Sites

First Circuit ruling in Laufer v. Acheson Hotels LLC expands website accessibility litigation risk for the hospitality industry. Learn more.
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ADA Claims Continue to Snag Online Merchants

Title III lawsuits based on website accessibility violations are on the rise. Find out how merchants can ensure compliance with ADA requirements.
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